I. Authorship of books
The Nature of Philosophy, Prachi Prakashan, Calcutta, 1955.
Planning, Power and Welfare, The Office for Asian Affairs, Congress for Cultural Freedom, Delhi, 1959.
Considerations towards a Theory of Social Change, Manaktalas, Bombay, 1965.
Social Philosophy: Past and Future, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla, 1969.
Political Development: A Critical Perspective, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1979.
Gyāna Mīmāṃsā (in Hindi), Rajasthan Hindi Granth Academy, Jaipur, 1980.
Paschimi Darshan Ka Itihas (in Hindi), Vol. I & II, Rajasthan Hindi Granth Academy, Jaipur, 1987.
The Art of the Conceptual: Explorations in a Conceptual Maze over Three Decades, Indian Council of Philosophical Research in association with Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, Delhi, 1989.
Indian Philosophy: A Counter Perspective, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1991. Revised and enlarged edition published by Sri Satguru Publications, 1996 / 2006.
The Problematic and Conceptual Structure of Classical Indian Thought about Man, Society and Polity, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1996.
Indian Philosophy: A New Approach, Sri Satguru Publications, Delhi, 1997.
Prolegomena to Any Future Historiography of Cultures and Civilizations, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, Delhi, 1997.
New Perspectives in Indian Philosophy, Rawat Publishers, New Delhi and Jaipur, 2000.
Developments in Indian Philosophy from Eighteenth Century Onwards : Classical and Western (Vol. X. part. 1), Centre for studies in Civilizations, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 2002. Collection History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization, ed. by D.P Chattopadhyaya.
Bhārtīya Darśana: Eka Nayī Dṛṣṭi, (in Hindi), Rawat Publishers, New Delhi and Jaipur, 2004.
The Nyāya Sūtras: A New Commentary on an Old Text, Sri Satguru Publications, Delhi, 2004.
Bhāratīya Evaṃ Pāshcātya Dārshanik Paramparāṃ, UGC ASIHSS Program, Department of Philosophy, Rajasthan University and Literary Circle, Jaipur, 2006. (Indian and Western Philosophical Traditions: Collected Essays by Daya Krishna in Hindi, edited by Yogesh Gupta.)
Contrary Thinking, Selected Essays of Daya Krishna, Ed. By N. Bhushan, D. Raveh & J. L. Garfield, Oxford University Press, New York, 2011.
Civilizations: Nostalgia and Utopia, Indian Institute of Advanced Study; SAGE, Shimla and Los Angeles, 2012.
Towards a Theory of Structural and Transcendental Illusions, Centre for Studies in Civilizations & Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, Delhi, 2012.
Agenda for Research in Indian & Western Philosophy, (Vol 1 & 2) UGC, ASIHSS Program, Department of Philosophy, University of Rajasthan and Literary Circle, Jaipur, 2013.
II. Edited Volumes
Daya Krishna (Ed.), Modern Logic: Its Relevance to Philosophy, Impex India, Delhi, 1969.
Indian Education Today: Prospects and Perspectives, Rajasthan University Press, Jaipur, 1970.
with A. M. Ghose and P. K. Srivastava, The Philosophy of Kalidas Bhattacharya, Indian Philosophical Quarterly Publications, Poona, 1978/1977.
with A. M. Ghose, Contemporary Philosophical Problems: Some Classical Indian Perspectives, Indian Philosophical Quarterly Publications, Poona, 1978.
with B. V. Kishan, What is Living and What is Dead in Indian Philosophy, Andhra University Press, Waltair, 1978.
with Fred W. Riggs, Development Debate, Printwell Publishers, Jaipur, 1987.
India's Intellectual Traditions, Attempts at Conceptual Reconstructions, Indian Council of Philosophical Research in association with Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1987.
with K. L. Sharma, The Philosophy of J. N. Mohanty, Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Delhi, 1987.
with M.P. Rege, R. C. Dwivedi, and Mukund Lath, Saṃvāda, A Dialogue between Two Philosophical Traditions, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1991.
with K. Satchidananda Murty, History, Culture and Truth: Essays presented to Professor D. P. Chattopadhyaya, Kalki Prakashan, Delhi, 1999.
with Mukund Lath and Francine E. Krishna. Bhakti: A Contemporary Discussion— Philosophical Explorations in the Indian Bhakti Tradition, Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Delhi, 2000.
Discussion and Debate in Indian Philosophy: Vedānta, Mīmāmsā and Nyāya, Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Delhi, 2004.
III. Articles
Daya Krishna, ‘The Experiential Standpoint in the Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo’, The Sri Aurobindo Annual, Pondicherry (1948).
-* ‘An Attempted Analysis of the Concept of Freedom’, in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 12 (4) (June 1952), pp. 550-556. (
-* ‘Some Considerations on F. S. C. Northrop’s Theory of Concepts’, The Philosophical Review (July 1952).
-* ‘Assumptions in the Social Sciences’, Ethics (January 1953).
-* ‘Mysticism and the Problem of Intelligibility’, in The Journal of Religion, 34 (2) (April. 1954), pp. 101-105.
- ‘An Experiment in Democracy’, Quest (1954).
- ‘Investment Priorities and Planning’, The Eastern Economist (September 23, 1955).
-* ‘Surplus Value, Profit and Exploitation’, Review of Economic Studies (January 1956).
- ‘The Pursuit of Excellence - A Critical Reflection on the Education Commission Report’, Reprinted in Higher Education in India, ed. by. A. B. Shah (1956).
-* ‘Invariants of the Human Situation: Valuations and Limitations’, The Prabuddha Bharat (April 1956).
-* ‘The Moral and the Axiological “Ought” – An Attempt at a Distinction’, The Journal of Philosophy (October, 1956)
- ‘Planning & Democratic Freedom’, The Eastern Economist (August 1956).
- ‘Was ist Philosophie?’, Studium Generale, 8 (August 1956).
- ‘Mechanisation and Agriculture’, Commerce, Bombay (April 1956).
- ‘Finantial Stability, Inflation & Economic Growth’, The Eastern Economist (July 20, 1956).
- ‘Socialism, Private Enterprise and Democracy’, The Eastern Economist (September 7, 1956).
- ‘Sense and Superstition in the Social Sciences’, Banking (February 1957).
‘Arthur Lewis looks at Economic Growth’, The Eastern Economist (1957).
- ‘Investment, Inflation and Employment’, The Eastern Economist (1957).
-* ‘Law of Contradiction and Empirical Reality’ in Mind, New Series, 66 (262) (April 1957), pp. 250-257.
-* ‘Two Types of Appearance and Two types of Reality’, Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 37 (October 1957).
- ‘Decadence and Literature: Some Considerations’, Banking (November 1957).
- ‘An Attempt towards a Theory of Ethics’, Sagar University Research Journal (1957).
- ‘Is Philosophy Linguistic Analysis?’, Proceedings of the Indian Philosophy Congress (1958).
- ‘The State and the Writer’, VAK (1958).
-‘Some suggestions towards the formation of Political Index Numbers’, Le Contrat Social, Paris (September 1958).
-* ‘Some Considerations on Morris Lazerowitz’s The Structure of Metaphysics’, Mind (April 1958).
- ‘Use and Abuse of the Concept of ‘Determination’ in the Social Sciences’, Quest (April-June 1958).
-* ‘The Nature of Value Judgements’, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 36 (1) (May 1958), pp. 18-24.
– ‘K. C. Bhattacharya on Indian philosophy’, Visva-Bharati Quarterly, 24 (1958-59).
-, ‘Action and Contemplation’, Visva-Bharati Quarterly, 24 (1958-59), pp.1-11.
-* ‘Symmetry, Transitivity and Reflexivity’, Analysis, 19 (1) (1958-59).
– ‘Science and Reality’, Entretiens, International Institute of Philosophy and Indian Philosophical Congress, ed. by. N. A. Nikam, Mysore (1959).
- ‘On the Evaluation of Creative Literature’, Quest (April-June 1959). Republished in New Letters Magazine, 48 (3 & 4) (Spring-Summer 1982).
-* ‘Pitirim A. Sorokin and the Problem of Knowledge’, The Indian Journal of Philosophy (April 1959).
- ‘- ‘What is democracy’ (a paper written for the International Seminar on Representative Government and Public Liberties in the New States held in the Isle of Rhodes, Greece, October 1958. Published in Democracy in the New States Congress for Cultural Freedom (May 1959).
-* ‘Symmetry, Transitivity and Reflexivity – A Further Discussion’, Journal of the Philosophical Association (July 1960).
-* ‘Types of Coherence’, The Philosophical Quarterly (July 1960).
- ‘Des Valeurs Essentielles en Politique’, Le Contrat Social, Paris (July 1960).
– ‘Colour Incompatibility and Language-Games’, Indian Journal of Philosophy, Bombay (August 1961).
-* ‘The "Synthetic a Priori": Some Considerations’, in Philosophy, 36 (137) (April-July 1961), pp. 211-215.
-* ‘Lying and the Compleat Robot’, British Journal of the Philosophy of Science (August 1961).
-* ‘Religious Experience, Languages and Truth’, A Symposium on Religious Experience and Truth, ed. by. Sidney Hook, New York University Press, New York (1961).
- ‘Endymion and Keat’s later poems’, The Literary Criterion (1961).
- ‘Democracy and Traditional Values’ B. N. Verma (ed.), Asia Publishing House, Bombay (1962-63).
-* ‘On the Distinctions between the Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and the Humanities’, International Social Sciences Journal, Paris, UNESCO (1964).
– ‘Report on the Object, Scope and Methods of a Study on the Main Trends of Research in the Social and Human Sciences’, UNESCO Export Committee Report (22-27 June 1964, Paris).
- ‘Social Change - An Attempt at a Study in Conflicting Patterns of Social Action’, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 14 (4) (1964), pp. 567-573.
- ‘Reflections on an Alleged Anecdote in Śaṅkara’s Life’, Quest, 43 (0ctober-December 1964), pp. 31-35.
-* ‘Value and Reality, Visva-Bharati Journal of Philosophy (February 1965).
-* ‘Three Conceptions of Indian Philosophy’, Philosophy East and West (January 1965).
- ‘Science and the Humanities’, in Climbing a Wall of Glass, ed. by. J. W. Airan, Manaktalas (1965)
-* ‘Adhyāsa: A Non-Advaitic Beginning in śaṃkara Vedānta’, in Philosophy East and West, 15 (3/4) (Jul. Oct. 1965), pp. 243-249.
-* ‘Three Myths about Indian Philosophy’, Diogenes (July-September 1966).
-* ‘Vedānta – does it really mean anything?’, Conspectus 2.2 (1966), pp.20-28.
‘Is Īśvara Kṛṣṇa’s Sāṁkhya-Kārikā really Sāṁkhyan?’, Philosophy East and West (July 1968).
-* ‘The Active and the Contemplative Values’, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (March 1969).
-, ‘Alienation, Positive and Negative’ in Diogenes 18 (72), 1970, 39-55.
-* ‘"The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy" and the Nature of Society’ in American Sociological Review, 36 (6) (1971), pp.1104-1107.
– ‘Philosophy in India (1955-66)’ in Contemporary Philosophy – A Survey, ed. by. R. Klibansky, IV (1971), pp. 564-577.
-* ‘It Can’t Be Said So What?’, Indian Review of Philosophy, 1 (4) (1972).
- ‘Political Thought in the US - A Case Study of Academic Escapism’, in Quest, 78 (September-October 1972), pp. 35-40.
-* ‘Appearance and Reality’, in Current trends in Indian Philosophy, ed. By K. Satchidananda Murty & K. Ramakrishna Rao, Andhra University Press / Asia Publishing House, Andhra University, Waltair, 1972.
-* ‘The Concept of Revolution – An Analysis’, Philosophy East and West (July 1973).
- ‘Concept of Political Development in American Political Science in the Sixties’, in Foreign Values and South East Asian Scholarship, ed. by. Joseph Fischer, University of California Press (1973).
-* ‘Logic and Ontology’, in Contemporary Indian Philosophy, ed. By M. Chatterjee, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, Delhi, 1974, 1998, pp. 21-41.
- ‘Reply to Raj Krishna’, Economic and Political Weekly (1974).
-* ‘Shall we be ‘Diffracted’? A Critical Comment on Fred Riggs’s “Prismatic Societies and Public Administration’, Administrative Change (June 1974).
- ‘Technology and Meaningful Patterns of Life’, U.G.C. Seminar Report (1975), pp. 31-34.
-* ‘Arts and the Cognitive Enterprise of Man’, The Visva-Bharati Quarterly, 41 (1-4) (1975-76)
– ‘Kalidas Bhattacharya and the Logic of Alternation’, Indian Philosophical Quarterly, Poona (January 1976).
-* ‘Towards a saner view of ‘Development’, A Comment on Fred W. Riggs’s Comment’, Administrative Change (January 1976).
- ‘Science, Technology and Value’, Diogenes, 24 (95) (September 1976), pp. 29-40 (
- ‘Contemporary India - A Crisis of Identity and Dilemmas of Development’, Quest (September-October 1976).
-*, ‘Culture - A Field of Interdisciplinary Study’, in International Social Science Journal, UNESCO, 1977, 29 (4), pp.651-70.
- ‘Religion and the Critical Consciousness’, New Quest (1979).
- ‘Some Reflections on Professor Riggs’ Clarifications of Development’, Administrative Change (July-December 1979).
- ‘God and the Human Consciousness’, Diogenes, 117 (30) (March 1982), pp. 1-10.
-* ‘Anthropology – The Bonded Science?’, New Quest (May-June 1983).
-* ‘Upaniṣads: What are They?’, Journal of Indian Council for Philosophical Research, 1 (1) (Autumn 1983).
– ‘God and the Nation State’, paper read at the Conference on “God and Global Justice”, Puerto Rico, 1984.
-* ‘Indian Philosophy and Mokṣa: Revisiting an Old Controversy’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 2 (1) (Autumn 1984).
-* ‘Self and Its Representations in Literature, The Literary Criterion, 20 (3) (1985).
-* ‘The Vedic Corpus: Some Questions’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 3 (1) (Autumn 1985), pp. 103-128.
– ‘Overview of Country Reports’, in Teaching and research in philosophy: Asia and the Pacific (Studies on teaching in philosophy throughout the world, II), UNESCO, Paris (1986), pp. 1-16.
-* ‘The Myth of the Puruṣārthas’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 4 (1) (Autumn 1986). Republished in Pathways to Literature, Art and Archeology, Pt. Gopal Narayan Bahura Felicitation Volume, Vol. II, ed. by Chandramani Singh and Neelima Vashishtha, Publication Scheme, Jaipur, 1991.
-* -, “Thinking vs. Thought: Strategies for Conceptual Creativity”, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 5 (2) (1988), pp. 47-57. Republished in Thinking Across Cultures: The Third International Conference on Thinking, ed. by. Donald M. Topping, Doris C. Crowell,Victor N. Kobayashi, Routledge, New York, 1989 / 2009, pp.195-204.
-* ‘Comparative Philosophy: What It Is and What It Ought to Be’, in Interpreting Across Boundaries, New Essays in Comparative Philosophy, edited by James Larson and Eliot Deutsch, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, Delhi, 1989, pp.71-83.
-* Yajña and the Doctrine of Karma – A contradiction in Indian Thought about Action’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 6 (2) (January-April 1989).
- ‘Knowledge, reason and human autonomy: A review article’, in Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 7 (1) (September-December 1989), pp. 121-138.
-* ‘The Text of the Nyāya-Sūtras – Some Problems’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 7 (2) (January-April 1990).
- ‘Secularism: Sacred and Profane’, in Culture and Modernity, East-West Philosophical Perspectives, ed. by E. Deutsch, University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 1991.
-* ‘The Varnṇāśrama Syndrome of Indian Sociology’, Contributions to Indian Sociology, 26 (2) (1992).
- ‘Emerging new approaches in the study of classical Indian philosophy’, Contemporary philosophy, A new survey (Vol. 7), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands (1993), pp. 69-82
- ‘Religion and Science: Reflections from the Indian Perspectives.’, The Journal of Religious Studies, 25 (2) (1994), pp.3-13.
-* ‘Mīmāṃsā Before Jaiminī. Some Problems in the Interpretation of Rule in the Indian Tradition’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 9 (3) (1995)
-* ‘The Mīmāṃsaka vs. the Yājñika. Some Further Problems in the Interpretation of Śruti in the Indian Tradition’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 12 (2) (1995).
- ‘The Realm of Between: Some Reflections on Murty’s The Realm of Between’, in The Philosophy of K. Satchidananda Murty, ed. by S. Bhattacharya and A. Vohra, Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Delhi, 1995.
- ‘New World Order and Indian Intellectuals’, Economic and Political Weekly, 30 (2) (January 1995).
-* ‘Vedānta in the First Millenium A.D: The Case Study of a Retrospective Illusion Imposed on the Historiography of Indian Philosophy’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Special Issue (June 1996).
- ‘Potter’s New Bibliography of Indian Philosophy: One Step Forward and Three Steps Backwards’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 13 (3) (1996).
-* ‘Indian Philosophy in the First Millennium AD: Fact and Fiction’, in Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 13 (3) (May-August 1996), pp. 127-135.
-* ‘Where are the Vedas in the First Millenium A.D.?’, in Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 15 (1) (1997), pp. 77-82.
-, ‘Encounters between civilizations: The question of the centre and the periphery’, in Quest 125, (September-October 1997), pp. 262-269.
-* ‘The Plurality of Civilizations and the Question of Identity’, in Science, Philosophy and Culture, Multi-disciplinary Explorations (Part two), Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy and Culture, Centre for Studies in Civilizations, 1997.
-* ‘Towards a Field Theory of Indian Philosophy: Suggestions for a New Way of Looking at Indian Philosophy’, in Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 15 (2) (1998), pp. 81-87.
- ‘Have the Neo-Naiyāyikas been Leading US Up the Garden Path? A comment on the Kroḍapatras by D. Prahlada Char’, in Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 15 (3) (1998), pp. 121-141.
-* ‘The Myth of the Prasthāna Trayī’, in Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 16 (1) (September-December 1998), pp. 85-91.
-* ‘”Is Tat Tvam Asi” the Same Type of Identity Statement as ‚The Morning Star is the Evening Star?’, Indian Philosophical Quarterly, 25 (1) (1998), pp. 1-13.
- ‘A radical revision of human rights: the need for rethinking in a universal perspective’, in Taking action for human rights in the twenty-first century, ed. by. F. Mayor, UNESCO, Paris (1998),148-151.
-* ‘Was Acarya śaṃkara Responsible for the Disappearance of Buddhist Philosophy from India?’, in Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 17 (1) (1999), pp. 127-130.
-* ‘How Anekāntika is Anekānta? Some Reflections on the Jain Theory of Anekāntavāda’, in Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 16 (2) (January-April 1999), pp. 121-128.
- ‘Time, Truth and Transcendence’, in History, Culture and Truth: Essays Presented to D. P. Chattopadhyaya, ed. by. Daya Krishna and K. Satchidananda Murty, published by Bhuvan Chandel, Kalki Prakash, Delhi (1999), pp. 323-336.
-* ‘Thinking Creatively about the Creative Act’, Punjab University Research Bulletin, 30 (1&2) (1999), pp. 18-26.
-* ‘The ‘Shock-Proof’, ‘Evidence-Proof’, ‘Argument-Proof’ World of Sāmpradāyika Scholarship of Indian Philosophy’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 17 (2) (2000), pp. 143-159.
-* ‘Nyāya Realist or Idealist: Is the Debate Ended, the Argument Completed’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 18 (1).
- ‘Possible Worlds’, in Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 18 (2) (April-June 2001), 181-192.
- ‘Kant’s Doctrine of the Categories: Some Questions and Problems’, in Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 18 (4) (Oct-Dec 2001), pp. 1-11.
- ‘Identity, Difference and the Problem of Reflexivity and Explanation’, in Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 19 (1) (Janary-March 2002), pp.1-18.
- ‘Sign, Sense and Reference: Reflections on Problems in the Philosophy of Language’, in Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 19 (2) (Apr-June 2002), pp. 129-138.
- ‘Grammar, Logic and Mathematics: Foundations of the Civilizations Man has Built’, in Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 19 (3) (July-September 2002), pp. 65-74.
- ‘Fichte – The Forgotten Philosopher’, in Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 19 (4) (October-December 2002), pp.29-36.
- ‘A Short Note on the Inner Sense and the Three (or Four) Notions of ‘Self’ in Kant, in Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 19 (4) (October-December 2002), pp.129-136.
- ‘Praśastapāda’s Mapping of the Realm of Qualities: A Neglected Chapter in Indian Philosophy’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 20 (1) (October-December 2003), pp. 115-124.
- ‘Polity, Economy and Society: Structural Contradictions and the Dynamics of History’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 20 (2) (April-June 2003), pp. 31-46.
-* 'Freeing Philosophy from the prison House of 'I-Centricity'', Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 20 (3) (July-September 2003), pp.135-143.
-*, ‘Illusion, Hallucination and the Problem of Truth’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 20 (4) (October-December 2003), pp. 129-146.
-* ‘Madness, Reason and Truth’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 21 (1) (January-March 2004), pp. 89-100.
-* ‘Negation: Can Philosophy Ever Recover From It?’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 21 (2) (Apr-June 2004), pp. 179-192.
-* ‘Rasa – The Bane of Indian Aesthetics’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 21 (3) (July-Sept 2004), pp.119-135.
-* ‘Reality, Imagination and Truth’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 21 (4) (October-December 2004), pp.115-128.
-* ‘Definition, Deception and the Enterprise of Knowledge’, in Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 22 (1) (January-March 2005), pp. 75-89.
-* ‘Eros, Nomos and Logos’, in Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 22 (2) (April-June 2005), pp. 165-182.
-* ‘Thinking with Causality about ‘Causality’: Reflections on a ‘concept’ determining all Thought about Action and Knowledge’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 22 (3) (July-September 2005), pp. 123-138.
-* ‘Knowledge: Whose is It, What is It, and Why has It to Be ‘True’?’, Indian Philosophical Quarterly, 32 (3) (2005), pp. 75-89.
-* ‘Substance: The Bane of Philosophy’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 22 (4) (October-December 2005), pp. 181-193.
- ‘Law, Logic and Ethics: Issues at the Heart of Society and Polity’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 23 (1) (January-March 2006), pp.147-168.
-* ‘Ṛgveda: The Mantra, the Sūkta and the Maṇḍala or The Ṛṣi, the Devatā, the Chanda: The structure of the Text and the Problems Regarding it’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 23 (2) (Apr-June 2006), pp.1-13.
-, ‘Chance, Probability, Indeterminacy and Knowledge’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 23 (3) (July-September 2006), pp. 91-110.
- ‘The Cosmic, Biological, the Cultural Conditionings and the Seeking of Freedom’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 23 (4) (October-December 2006), pp.133-160.
-, ‘Some Reflections on the Knowledge called ‘Mathematics’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 24 (1) (January-March 2007), pp.1-20.
-, ‘How Empirical is Empirical: Some Reflections’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 24 (1) (January-March 2007), pp.193-199.
-* ‘Freedom, Reason, Ethics and Aesthetics’, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 24 (2) (April-June 2007), pp. 1-12.
IV. Unpublished
‘Conversation, Dialogue, Discussion, Debate and the Problem of Knowledge’ (unpublished, 2007)
‘Anumana’ (unpublished, 2007)
‘The Jaipur Edition of the ṛgveda - Introduction’ (unpublished, 2007)
‘Experience, Dubitability and Certainty’ (unpublished 2007)
‘Some Problems Regarding Thinking about āva in the Indian Tradition’ (unpublished)
‘Art and the Mystic Consciousness’ (unpublished)
‘Thinking Without Things: Without Identity, without Non-Contradiction and Yet Thinking Still’ (unpublished)
‘Narrative, Meta-Narrative and No Narrative’ (unpublished)
‘The Formative Period of Indian Civilisation: The Vedic, the Sramana, the Agamic Traditions; the Interactions between them and the reflexive Reflections on them’
‘Bondages of Birth and Death: Emerging Technologies of Freedom on the Horizon and the Hope of Final Release from the Foundational Bondage of Mankind’
‘India’s Civilizational Enterprises in the third Millenium A.D.: Maintenance, Renewal and New Directions.’
‘Socio-Political thought in classical India.'
V. Review Articles
‘K. C. Bhattacharya on Indian Philosophy’, The Vivsa-Bharati Quarterly, 26 (2) (1960).
‘Yoga: Immortality and Freedom by Mircea Eliade’, Philosophy East and West.
‘Sources of Indian Tradition by Wm. Theodore de Bary; Stephen Hay; Royal Weiler; Andrew Yarrow’, in Philosophy East and West, 13 (2) (July. 1963), pp. 159-165.
‘The Intellectual on the Dissecting Table, A Review Article on Edward Shils, The Intellectual between Tradition and Modernity’, Quest (July-September 1962).
‘Communication, Identity and Self-Expression: Essays in Memory of S. N. Ganguly by S. P. Banerjee: Shefali Moitra’, in Philosophy East and West, 38 (4) (Oct. 1988), pp. 431-436.
* This bibliographical list has been conceived on the basis of my own research and thanks to the ‘Bio-Data’ document prepared by D. D. Mathur and provided by Asha Mukherjee. Additions and corrections are welcome via the contact form of the website. (compiled by Elise Coquereau-Saouma)
Daya Krishna authored and/or edited more than 20 books, and published about 200 articles, at a time where online resources and open access were limited. As a result, some publications are not available anymore. To remedy this problem, some articles have been republished in monographs: they are indicated with the sign '*'; the articles republished in monographs that could not be located in their original publications are not indicated independently.