Link to a NEW ARCHIVE which consists of ALL the issues of the JICPR edited by D.P. Chattopadhyaya and Daya Krishna, from Vol. 1.1 (1983) to Vol. 23.2 (2006), including Author and Subject Index
Civilizations: Nostalgia and Utopia
Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla, 2005.
[See also Civilizations: Nostalgia and Utopia, SAGE publishing, 2012]
The moderators of the three lectures:
Lecture 1: Prof. S.C. Pande ( Allahabad based Sanskrit scholar and an Alankāraśāstra specialist ).
Lecture 2: Bettina Baumer ( Kashmir Shaivism scholar, comparative philosopher and translator).
lecture 3: Vivek Datta (independent scholar and poet from Binsar).
Classical Indian Philosophy: Present and Future
Inaugural Lecture of the National Seminar on Classical Indian Philosophy: Present and Future, Department of Philosophy, University of Pune, 1st March 2007.

Participants of the seminar:
Prof. Sharad Deshpande (Director of the Seminar)
1) Prof. Daya Krishna
2) Prof. Pradyot Kumar Mukhopadhyaya (Retd. Jadavpur University, Kolkata)
3) Prof. Srinivas Rao (Retd. Bangalore University)
4) Prof. S. S. Antarkar (Retd. Mumbai University)
5) Prof. V. N. Jha (Pune University)
6) Prof. S. V. Bokil (Pune University)
7) Prof. Amita Chatterjee (Jadavpur University)
8) Prof. Navjyoti Singh (Triple IIT Hyderabad)
9) Prof. V.Sanil (IIT Delhi)
10) Dr. Sebastian (IIT Bombay)
11) Dr. Malhar Kulkarni (IIT Bombay)
12) Dr. R. Murali (Tamil Nadu)
13) Dr. Varun Tripathi (Uttarakhand)
14) Dr. R. Balaganapati (Kuppam)