Link to a NEW ARCHIVE which consists of ALL the issues of the JICPR edited by D.P. Chattopadhyaya and Daya Krishna, from Vol. 1.1 (1983) to Vol. 23.2 (2006), including Author and Subject Index
From 1990 (Vol. VII. 1.) until his death in 2007, Daya Krishna was the editor of the Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research. During this time, he re-organized the journal, introduced dialogical sections, and published numerous articles in the JICPR.
Other articles can also be downloaded here: the page "Author's original version" includes earlier versions of articles that have been reproduced elsewhere afterwards. The page "Other publications" contains the final versions of publications that have been published in other journals than the JICPR, or that remain unpublished.
Published in the Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research (JICPR)
Other Publications
Author's original version
Action and Contemplation
Adhyāsa: A Non-Advaitic Beginning in śaṃkara Vedānta
Anumana (author's original version)
A Plea for a New History of Philosophy in India (author's original version)
A Radical Revision of Human's Rights: The Need for Rethinking in a Universal Perspective
Bondages of Birth and Death: Emerging Technologies of Freedom on the Horizon and the Hope of Final Release from the Foundational Bondage of Mankind (author's original version)
Can the Analysis of Adhyāsa Ever Lead to an Advaitic Conclusion?
Chance, Probability, Indeterminacy and Knowledge
Comparative Philosophy What Is It and What it Ought to Be
The Cosmic, Biological and Cultural Conditionings, and the Seeking for Freedom
Definition Deception and the Enterprise of Knowledge
Did the Gopīs really love Kṛṣṇa: Some reflections on Bhakti as a Puruṣārtha in the Indian Tradition (author's original version)
Emerging New Approaches in the Study of Classical Indian Philosophy (author's original version)
Encounter Between Civilizations: the Question of the Center and the Periphery
Eros Nomos Logos
Experience Dubitability and Certainty
Fichte - The Forgotten Philosopher
Freedom, Reason, Ethics and Aesthetics
Freeing Philosophy From The 'Prison-House' of 'I-Centricity'
God and the Human Consciousness (Author's original version)
Grammar, Logic and Mathematics : Foundations of the Civilizations Man has Built
How Anekāntika is Anekānta: Some Reflactions on the Jain Theory of Anekāntavāda
Identity, Difference and the Problem of Reflexivity and Explanation
Illusion, Hallucination and the Problem of Truth
Indian Philosophy and Mokṣa: Revisiting an Old Controversy
Indian Philosophy in the First Millenium AD: Fact and Fiction
Introduction to Developments in Indian philosophy from Eighteenth Century Onwards: Classical and Western
ls the Doctrine of Arthāvada Compatible with the Idea of Śruti? - The Basic Dilemma in the Revelatory-Authorities Texts of any Tradition (Author's original version)
The Jaipur Edition of the Ṛgveda – Introduction
Kant's Doctrine of the Categories: Some Reflections and Problems
Knowledge, Reason and Human Autonomy: a Review Article
Knowledge: Whose Is It, What Is It, And Why Has It To Be 'True'?
Law, Logic and Ethics. Issues at the Heart of Society and Polity
Madness, Reason and Truth
The Myth of the Prasthāna Trayī
Negation: Can Philosophy Ever Recover From Tt?
Perspectives of Freedom, Social Philosophy Past and Future
Political Science Versus Political Reality
Polity, Economy and Society: Structural Contradictions and the Dynamics of History
Rasa: The Bane of Indian Aesthetics
The Realms of Between: some Reflections on Murty's The Realm of Between
Reflections on an Alleged Anecdote in Śaṃkara's Life
Ṛgveda: The Mantra, the Sūkta and the Maṇḍala or The Ṛṣi, the Devatā, the Chanda: The structure of the Text and the Problems Regarding it
Sign, sense and Reference : Reflections on Problems in the Philosophy of Language
Substance: the Bane of Philosophy
Time Truth and Transcendence
Thinking with Causality About Causality - Reflections on a 'concept' determining all thought about Action and Knowledge
Thinking Creatively about the Creative Act
Thinking vs Thought : Strategies for Conceptual Creativity
'Thinking' without 'Things': without identity, without Non-contradiction, and yet 'Thinking' still.
The Undeciphered Text: Anomalies, Problems and Paradoxes in the Yogasūtra
The Upanishads - what are they?
Vedānta in the First Millennium AD : the Case Study of Retrospective Illusion Imposed by the Historiography of Indian Philosophy
The Vedic Corpus: Some Questions
Was Acarya Śaṁkara Responsible for the Disappearance of Buddhist Philosophy from India?